Saturday, 14 May 2011

another little slice of me..
Come to me. Open your hands,  take hold of me.
Play with me.  Stick out your tongue, try tasting me.
Suck on me.  Open your mouth and gorge on me.
Manipulate me.  Unleash your skills.. And release me.
Savour me.  Now that i’m yours, don’t abandon me.
Not yet.
Choice Butts... #2
Ms.k offers up my reward.. she loves it up against a wall.. me too.. it gets hard.
Listen to the man... #3

'If the forces of two sides are in balance, the side in grief will win'.

philosopher, ancient china
letter to a pretty girl
in response

I hope you are. I hope you have one hand in your pants rite now, playing with the object of my desire. Bringing yourself to the brink, thoughts of me, there, my hand, my tongue, my cock, helping push you so far over the edge, and into violent orgasm. Till it hurts. Hmmm yes.. I could discipline you with meaty strokes. Bits of me, connecting hard with bits of you. Xx

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Another fabulously grimey little favourite of mine.
Erich von Gotha...
His work never ceases to amaze and arouse me with it's simple depravity. Art in its true-ist form. Everyones a performer.
Choice Cuts #4..

Loretta Young Silks
by Sneaker Pimps
I'm guessing.. the best thing to come out of Hartlepool, aside from ships laden with some sort of designer drug, destined for the new world.
Although they are now defunct, this tune truly moves me.
Currently Reading:

The Glass Palace
by Amitav Ghosh
Immerse yourself in the sublime colour, scent and feeling of old world Burma (Myanmar).
For those drawn to history, culture, tradition, tragedy and love; A picture of South East Asia as it was pre-colonial days. Stunning. And then some.  But then, I'm very biased.
the master at work again. Jan Saudek.