Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Just read..

The Rosie Project
Graeme Simsion

Very rarely can I devour a book in a single sitting... unless it's a decent wine list or similar.. It just isn't like me to sit and read for hours on end. Then I picked up The Rosie Project. Currently doing the bestseller thing I believe, it's a comedy romance, and I'm deadly serious when I say that's a genre I'm not all that into. But, the peculiarity of this first person narrative, presented through the Asperger's tinted view of Don Tillman, is eye-opening, heart warming, totally absorbing, and bloody hilarious. I even shed a tear or 2.. (at one point only, maybe two).
Discard your strict life schedule and dive in. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.


Cheeky Minx said...

Consider it added. Now all I need to do is finish the three other books I'm reading!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, my social schedule allows for enough time for me to read 2 or 3 books per week. I have the Rosie Project in my cue for download . . . I'll have to check that one out.

If you are looking for something new of similar genre try A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. I've read several by Moore and this is his best. Multiple laugh out load moments, or so I thought.

Sexy Smile said...

I'm adding this to my list!

petunia said...

Wow. That book sounds really interesting. I'm definitely going to read it. I read lots of different kinds of romance books. I used to be a little embarrassed about it but now I don't give a damn. They fire up my imagination and that is a very good thing indeed.