Friday, 22 July 2011

An exercise in division
And acceptance

It’s not about us anymore, she said. At first the words didn’t quite hit the mark. But now, a day later they are ringing in my ears. It’s not about us. She’s well past believing in anything that I have to offer. She’s trying to tell me that she has found another, or atleast needs to free herself from me in such a way that she can. It’s not about us anymore. It’s all about her. She has no need or wish or want of me, and it’s her gentle way of helping me see. It’s all about me. If I'm to ever raise myself in my own estimations, I must let her be. The only thing left to do is leave. 

an excerpt from my diary


Cheeky Minx said...

Your words touch my own current ache with an eloquence, honesty and beauty that leave me feeling a little less alone. And for that I thank you, bhp...

both.hands.please said...

You are welcome.
And you are certainly not alone Minx.
This space is better shared.